Combined Punching Machine Hydraulic System Troubleshooting
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Combined Punching Machine Hydraulic System Troubleshooting

Views: 169     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-17      Origin: Site


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A combined punching machine's hydraulic system is a critical component that powers and controls the punching process. Here's a brief overview of how it typically works:

1. Hydraulic Power Unit:

Pump: The hydraulic system starts with a pump that draws hydraulic fluid from a reservoir and generates the necessary pressure. This pressure is what drives the movement of the machine's punching components.

Motor: An electric motor drives the pump, converting electrical energy into hydraulic power.

2. Hydraulic Fluid:

The hydraulic fluid is the medium through which the energy is transmitted. It circulates through the system, transferring power to the punching mechanism.

3. Control Valves:

Directional Control Valves: These valves direct the flow of hydraulic fluid to different parts of the machine. They determine the direction in which the hydraulic cylinders move, controlling the punching action.

Pressure Control Valves: These valves regulate the pressure within the system to ensure that it remains within safe operating limits. They protect the machine from overload and ensure consistent punching force.

4. Hydraulic Cylinders:

The hydraulic cylinders are the actuators that convert hydraulic energy into mechanical force. When hydraulic fluid is directed into the cylinder, it pushes the piston, which in turn drives the punching tool to perform the punching operation.

Elimination of Internal Leakage Faults in Hydraulic Systems

Oil leakage from the hydraulic system will cause the amount of pressure to decrease and the normal oil pressure cannot be established, resulting in the system not working properly. The leakage of hydraulic system is caused by external leakage and internal leakage.This article describes the troubleshooting methods for leaks in hydraulic systems. Oil leakage from the hydraulic system will cause the hydraulic pressure to decrease. Normal oil pressure cannot be established, resulting in the system not working properly. There are two cases of leakage and leakage in the hydraulic system. The external leakage is mainly caused by the rupture of the tubing, the loose joints, and the tightness of the tightening; the internal leakage is mainly caused by the leakage of the oil pump, the oil cylinder and the distributor inside the internal hydraulic system. The fault of the internal leak is not easy to find, and sometimes it needs to be detected and adjusted by means of the instrument to be eliminated.

1. Serious wear or assembly error of the gear pump related parts

The clearance between the oil pump gear and the pump casing exceeds the specified limit. The treatment method is: replacing the pump casing or repairing by using the inserting method to ensure that the clearance between the oil pump gear ejector and the casing is within the specified range.

The gear sleeve and the gear end face are excessively worn, so that the compression of the pressure relief seal is insufficient and the sealing effect is lost, resulting in the high pressure oil chamber of the oil pump colliding with the low pressure oil chamber, and the internal leakage is serious. The treatment method is: adding a compensation gasket under the rear sleeve to ensure the compression amount of the sealing ring.

When disassembling the oil pump, the guide wire is placed in the wrong direction at the joint surface of the two bushings. The treatment method is as follows: ensure that the guide wire can simultaneously deflect the two bushings by an angle in the direction of the rotation of the driven gear, so that the two bushings are closely fitted to each other.

● When the oil pump is disassembled, the pressure-tight sealing ring is deteriorated, and the pressure-relief sealing rubber ring is installed incorrectly. The treatment method is: if the pressure-tight sealing ring is aging, the new piece should be replaced: the pressure-removing piece sealing rubber ring should be installed on the side of the oil suction chamber, and a certain pre-tightening pressure is ensured. If it is installed on the side of the oil pressure chamber, the sealing rubber ring will be damaged quickly, causing the high pressure chamber to communicate with the low pressure chamber, so that the oil pump loses its working ability.

2. Cylinder seal aging and damage piston rod tighten nut loose.

● The sealing ring on the cylinder piston, the sealing ring of the piston rod and the piston joint, and the positioning valve sealing ring are damaged. The treatment method is: replace the sealing ring and seal the retaining ring. However, it should be noted that the surface of the selected sealing ring should be smooth; no wrinkles, no cracks, no pores, no scratches, etc.

The piston rod lock nut is loose. The treatment method is: tighten the piston rod lock nut.

● When the cylinder is out of roundness, it may cause the hydraulic oil in the upper and lower chambers of the cylinder to figure out. Treatment method: If the rounding is not serious, the method of replacing the piston sealing ring can be used to restore the sealing performance; if the roundness and cylindricity error exceeds 0.05mm, the cylinder should be ground and replaced. , to restore the normal fit gap.

3. The safety valve and the return valve on the distributor are not closed tightly.

The safety valve is worn or the hydraulic oil is dirty; the ball valve is rusted, the adjustment spring force is insufficient or broken; the hydraulic oil is out of compliance; if the hydraulic oil is too thin or the oil temperature is too high, the safety valve will be closed tightly. Treatment method: replace the clean standard-compliant hydraulic oil; replace the spring with the specified length and elasticity; replace the ball in the ball valve, insert it into the valve seat and tap it to make it fit with the valve seat and grind it.

The oil return valve is severely worn or the oil return valve is not tightly closed due to excessive hydraulic pressure. The treatment method is: grinding the cone surface and the mutual grinding valve seat. If the cylindrical surface is seriously worn, it can be repaired by chrome grinding; if the small cylindrical fish guide is worn, causing the internal clearance to be too large, the copper sleeve can be set in the conduit, the clearance gap can be restored, the cylinder can be cleaned, and the clean hydraulic oil can be replaced.

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