DELEM DA-41S operation manual and introduction
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DELEM DA-41S operation manual and introduction

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DA-41 press brake control Operation Manual

The DA-41 is a programmable control for conventional press brake machines. This manual assumes that the DA-41 is configured using the bending depth formula. If the unit is configured for bending depth calculation based on tables please refer to the version 2 user manual (8064-901C). If you are not sure which method is configured please contact your machine supplier.


Front panel

The following picture shows a representation of the front panel. The panel contains one display and several keys for programming and axis control. The display will be explained in the next section.

press brake control

The keyboard contains the following keys:

● 10 numerical keys (0 - 9)

 decimal point

 plus/minus toggle

 clear key, to clear a parameter value

 enter key, to enter a typed value

 arrow keys, to select various parameters

 stop key (0) (incl. status LED)

 start key (1) (incl. status LED)on.


The DA-41 has a monochrome LCD display, 320 x 240.

press brake control

 At the top of the screen, the different operation modes are represented by symbols.

Operating modes


The DA-41 has a monochrome LCD display, 320 x 240.

press brake control

It is indicated in the top of the screen which mode is active

Basic navigation

 To switch between modes, press the <arrow up> key until the mode symbol is highlighted. Then use the <arrow left> and <arrow right> key to move to the required mode.

 To enter a mode press the arrow key down.

 Within a mode, use the arrow keys to move around between parameters and fields.

 To program a parameter, move the cursor to the appropriate symbol and type the required value. Press ENTER to conproduct firm the value. A programmed value is also confirmed when an arrow key is pressed. In some cases, the <arrow left/right> keys can also be used to change values.

 Steps and their parameters can only be programmed and viewed when the control is stopped.

Product programm

press brake control

This programming screen in divided into three areas. From top to bottom these are:

● Current Y and X position

 General product properties

 Table with bend steps, each step has several parameters In the upper right corner of the screen, the number of the currently active program is shown. In this screen, a product program can be edited and executed. Programming of products will be explained in chapter 4.

Tool Selection

press brake control

This screen displays an overview of the available tools. The table indicates the tool number, the V-opening, the tool angle and radius. During product programming, the programmed tool properties are used for the calculation of Y-axis values. To enter the tool properties place the cursor on the applicable field of a tool and simply enter the desired value.

Program constantsing

press brake control

In this screen, several control settings can be viewed and changed. Parameters (except the read-only ones) can be edited using the arrow keys (left and right) or they can be programmed numerically. The program constants menu can be exit by navigating to the upper symbol menu with the arrow up key or by pressing the STOP button to return directly to the automatic production mode.

Service menu: To access the service menu type the code 456 followed by the enter key.To exit the service menu press the STOP button Note: when enter the enter key is pressed without the specified code the calibration point will be displayed but cannot be changed (read only). This will be indicated with a lock symbol in the upper right corner of the screen.

press brake control

In the service screen the actual calibration point can be programmed and an overview of actual system information is available.

press brake control

press brake control

Depending on the machine specifications one or more of the below mentioned functions can be available on the program constants screen.

press brake control

press brake control

In this screen the X- and Y-axis can be moved manually with the arrow keys. This can only be done when the control is not started. By using the arrow keys up and down the Y or X-axis can be selected. To move an axis gradually, press the left or right arrow key once. To move an axis at high speed, press the arrow key continuously.

Product select

press brake control

press brake control

There are 100 product programs available in the control. 

To edit a program, it must be selected first. By default, all programs consistof 0 steps. As soon as a program has been selected, one step is added to the program.

To select a program, move the cursor to the required program number and press ENTER to select it. This program number is also displayed in the upper right corner of the screen, beside the mode symbol.

To select a program with a high number (e.g. 74), press the first digit of this number (e.g. 7). The cursor will automatically jump to the group of numbers that begin with this digit. Then use the arrow keys to get to the correct program number.

When a program has been selected, the control automatically switches to the programming mode.

A program remains active until another program is selected or until it is deleted.

To delete a program, move the cursor to the program number and press the clear key. The program number remains, but the number of steps is reset to 0.

Key lock

The control is equipped with a key lock function, to prevent unauthorised programming. Whether the key lock function is available or not depends on the machine specifications.

If the control is unlocked, it can be programmed as described in this manual.

If the control is locked, it is indicated by a lock symbol in the upper left corner of the programming window.

press brake control

When locked, the following operational restrictions apply:

● programs cannot be created or edited

 programs cannot be deleted

 tools cannot be created or edited

The following actions are still possible when the control is locked:

 programs can be selected (if they consist of one or more steps)

 programs can be executed

 Y-axis corrections within programs can be changed

 program constants can be changed

 axes can be moved through the manual movement screenion

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